How Documill Leap is used for hiring new employees at Documill - Easy as ABC

The image visually represents Documill Leap, our product utilized to expedite the hiring and contract-signing process here at Documill. In the foreground, amidst CVs and contracts, there's text denoting the series of articles titled "Easy as ABC."

See how we utilize the powerful capabilities of Documill Leap to accelerate the hiring and contract-signing process here at Documill.

Contract negotiation is a key aspect when hiring a new employee. Thus, effective contract collaboration is vital to make sure the organization’s resources are utilized in the best way possible without affecting the productivity of any collaborator involved.

In this article, I will show you a step-by-step explanation of contract collaboration while using Documill Leap for hiring new employees, here at Documill.

With features like built-in multi-party document editor, e-signatures, workflow orchestration, reminders, and more, Documill Leap can make collaboration easier and faster – not only for sales teams, but also for companies’ human resources departments.

First things first, access to Documill Leap is available at (web version) or you can get the Salesforce app at Salesforce AppExchange page.

1. For this tutorial we will use the standalone version and sign into our organization (see Figure 1) to our organization.


When creating a new project, Documill Leap lets you choose the group for your project.

Figure 1. Leap sign-in

Figure 1. Leap sign-in


Once we have logged-in to our organization, the Leap dashboard welcomes us, and looks like this:


Leap Dashboard

Figure 2. Leap Dashboard

Figure 2. Leap Dashboard


2. Now we click the “Create a new Project” button and Leap prompts us to select a group for our project (see Figure 3). As hiring is a core HR function, we will go with HR for this case. Then we must name the project. In this case, we shall go with “Hiring a new employee”.


When creating a new project, Leap lets you choose the group for your project.

Figure 3 When creating a new project, Leap lets you choose the group for your project.

Figure 3. When creating a new project, Leap lets you choose the group for your project.


Notice that for our next steps, the Leap dashboard will show the Project Status as “Planning” until all requirements are completed:


Documill Leap Dashboard in the planning phase.

Figure 4 Leap Dashboard in planning phase

Figure 4. Leap Dashboard in planning phase


3. Therefore, we start by inputting the start date, duration, and end date to define our project schedule.


Workflow is a pre-defined sequence of tasks, and each task gets assigned to a team member. As all Leap projects include a workflow for running them, each workflow created in Leap can be saved as a template that can be easily reused for future projects.


4. Next, we need to define a workflow for this project and add all the collaborators. Here at Documill, there are typically 4 collaborating parties (i.e., the HR department, HR manager, CEO, and the candidate) involved in a regular hiring process. Our workflow looks like this (see Figure 5):


Workflow for the Hiring Process at Documill.

Figure 5 Workflow for the Hiring Process at Documill

Figure 5. Workflow for the Hiring Process at Documill


Leap can be easily integrated with Documill Dynamo to generate documents that serve as a starting point for such collaboration.


5. Now the user can either create a job offer/contract using a predefined template or upload their own DOCX file. In this case, we are going to use the Documill Contract of Employment template, which we created with the Documill Dynamo document automation solution.

6. Once the workflow has been defined, all necessary files attached, and collaborators assigned, click on the blue button on the top right corner of the screen that says, “Go Live”:


Pressing the "Go Live" blue button at the top right corner of the screen initiates the workflow.

Figure 6 Time to go live!

Figure 6. Time to go live!


This will send emails to the collaborators and invite them to work on their tasks:


Email invite sent to the first collaborator.

Figure 7 Email invite sent to the first collaborator.


Figure 7. Email invite sent to the first collaborator.

7. At Documill, the first stage is Internal Preparation where the HR manager prepares the job contract by filling in all the necessary candidate details in the draft of the contract template.


This is facilitated by the built-in document editor designed to reduce error and avoid version confusion, when the file we’re working on and the file that gets signed may not be the same:

Documents can be edited within the Leap interface.

Figure 8. Documents can be edited within the Leap interface.


While the project is live, and different collaborators are working on their respective tasks, the Leap Dashboard provides a real-time update on the project status in both List and Workflow views (see Figure 9).


Documill Leap dashboard showing the project status.

Figure 9. Leap dashboard showing the project status.

Figure 9. Leap dashboard showing the project status.


8. Upon completion, this draft is then sent to the CEO of Documill for his final review. As a reviewer, he can add comments and also request and track changes in the draft that is received from the editing collaborator. When all the details in the employment contract are correct, the CEO approves the draft and marks the review task as complete.


9. The next stage is Candidate Approval which includes only one step in it. Here the candidate receives the Documill Contract of Employment with all the details about their future position. As this is essentially a contract negotiation phase, the candidate can either request changes to the contract or approve the file, providing everything is correct and they are satisfied with the contract terms.


10. After the candidate reviews and approves the file, the Signing stage of the workflow proceeds with both the candidate and the CEO being required to sign the file. Like with all the previous tasks, the collaborators open the task using the notification that they receive. Signing then becomes as simple as reading the document, defining their signature from the signature panel and tapping the ‘Sign file’ button (see Figure 10).


The signature panel lets the user create their electronic signature and e-sign the document.

Figure 9. The signature panel to electronically sign the document.

Figure 10. The signature panel to electronically sign the document.


To sign the documents, Documill Leap generates advanced electronic signatures which are tamper-proof, legally binding and eIDAS complaint.

Documill Leap tasks, including e-signing, can also be performed on a mobile device. This helps keep project delays to a minimum. As Documill Leap includes both document generation and e-signing, there is no need to transfer the document between different applications. This increases security and eliminates the risk of the wrong document being signed.


11. Once the contract is signed by all parties, it is ready for delivery. All the collaborators can now access and download the signed document with the option to email it, forward it or store it in their document storage (Google Drive, Microsoft OneDrive, etc.) of choice. After the delivery stage, the workflow concludes, and the Leap marks the project as completed.


And that is how we utilize the powerful capabilities of Documill Leap to accelerate the hiring and contract-signing process here at Documill.

It is as easy-as-ABC to collaborate on contracts using Documill Leap whether you work in HR or Sales…

So if this got you interested, find out what Documill Leap can do for you and try it free for 30 days!

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