Making the case for offer & contract collaboration solutions

The graphical illustration depicts a successfully signed contract between two companies, facilitated by the Documill solution for proper document management.

Find out how much you can financially gain with Documill Leap through reduced costs and boosted revenue.

For most companies, it just isn’t enough that an offer & contract collaboration solution reduces their organizational risk and increases compliance and uniformity among sales documents. They require a monetary gain to justify the expense. Either through an increase in profits or a reduction in costs. Or, ideally, both. And we understand this completely. It’s business, after all.

Offer & contract collaboration solutions such as Documill Leap may not be beneficial in all cases. For companies that work with contracts that are populated with standard products and pricing, and crucially this work is done by a single person, a solution that automates and speeds up this process is a better fit. The gain will be the reduced time spent on each contract and by being able to produce more contracts per person. In this case, Documill Dynamo might just be what you’re looking for.

For negotiable contracts, contracts that require extensive input from multiple parties to formulate and finalize its contents, the benefits come from a more efficient collaboration process while creating contracts that better fit the customer’s needs. This results in less time spent per contract and an increase in revenue while reducing the number of deals lost in the negotiation phase.

The time saved can then be used to pursue new deals. The project management and coordination benefit greatly from the automated, well-defined workflows – and as a result roles such as project coordinators enjoy increased productivity. And the more people are currently involved in getting the deal done, the more you stand to gain from deploying an offer & contract collaboration solution.

To calculate just how much, we’ve put together an extensive ROI calculator that will tell you whether getting Documill Leap makes (financial) sense to your organization. All while simultaneously reducing organizational risk and increasing compliance and uniformity among sales documents.

You may even find that other departments with loosely defined yet complex document approval processes stand to benefit from the saved hours alone, without directly contributing to revenue.

Find out how much you can (financially) gain with Documill Leap. Contact us for an introductory meeting.

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