Sales agreement

A sales agreement (SA) is a legally binding document that outlines the terms and conditions of a transaction between a buyer and a seller. It serves as an official record of the agreement between the parties, safeguarding the rights and interests of both parties throughout the transaction.

An SA, which can also be referred to as a sales contract or purchase agreement, stands apart from a sales invoice as it requires the fulfillment of certain conditions before the sale can be formally concluded. Common conditions might include payment, delivery conditions and inspection, or any other terms agreed upon by the buyer and seller, typically outlined in the terms and conditions of the SA.

Bringing Sales and Legal together to facilitate and speed up deals

Upon the negotiation of key terms between the buyer and seller, the seller initiates the creation of a detailed sales agreement. Crafting an SA often involves multiple rounds of discussions and subsequent revisions. As a result, the process can quickly become complex and hard to follow with multiple versions of the same agreement floating around. Especially as businesses handle higher volumes of agreements simultaneously, the risks of delays, miscommunications and oversights becomes significant.

With automated document creation and collaboration software, sales teams can speed up how they create agreements and get them signed. Additionally, the right software allows legal teams to function as facilitators rather than obstacles in the contract approval process.

Tools like Documill Dynamo and Documill Leap eliminate the need for collaborating parties to try and remember what is due and when. Instead, each party receives notifications when it’s their turn to contribute to or approve a contract, easing follow-up questions.

With Documill, Sales and Legal can consistently produce professional-looking, accurate and fully compliant documents. Such an approach increases the likelihood of securing prime market opportunities and contributes to a more positive and maintained customer experience.

  • Use Documill Leap to orchestrate document workflows and for logic integration in sales processes. Effortlessly seek approvals and securely internal and external comments for hassle-free experience.
  • Use Documill Dynamo to simplify document creation using real-time Salesforce data. Automatically dispatch documents to recipients for signature request and completion.
  • Combine Documill Leap and Documill Dynamo for a complete document creation process for the Sales department – from generation to editing, reviews, approvals and electronic signature.

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